NYU Quantitative Finance Society
Stock Pitch Competition
Sponsored by Valiant Capital Management
US-Listed Stocks
Long or Short
Market Cap
$1 Billion+
Team Sizes
Up to Three
1,500 Word Memo
(10 Graph Limit)
Registration & First-Round Submissions Deadline
Friday March 14th, 2025, 11:59 PM ET
competition Details
New York University’s Quantitative Finance Society is excited to announce our inaugural inter-school L/S stock pitch competition! Teams of up to 3 students will pitch a US-listed company, long or short, with a market capitalization of over $1bn and an investment horizon of 3-12 months. Five finalist teams will be selected to pitch live in New York on Friday, April 4th. Pitches are evaluated based on the quality of analysis and the quality of the investment opportunity.
Finalists receive potential consideration for internships at Valiant & judging firms.
The stated prize amount is for the entire team, not each individual member.
February 21st
Registration Opens
March 14th
Registration & First-Round Submissions Due
March 19th
Finalists notified
Final Round at New York University
April 4th
Students from any university! Teams may be composed of students from different schools, with a limit of 3 members per team.
The final round of the stock pitch competition will be held live on-campus at New York University's Stern School of Business.
The first round of the competition is a written memo on a stock of your choice, listed on an US exchange with a market capitalization of at least $1 billion. Teams may pitch long or short, with an investment horizon of 3-12 months. The memo should be no longer than 1,500 words and contain no more than 10 graphs or figures, inclusive of appendix.
Please email all other questions to qfspitchcompetition@gmail.com